Who would’ve thought that James Cameron, an action movies filmmaker par excellence (Aliens, Terminator and True Lies, to name a few) would direct one of the most spectacular movies of all time? An avid deep-sea diver, Cameron had always shown a great interest in the Titanic story. But before the movie could see light of day it took no less than eight months of filming, a reconstitution of the doomed cruise liner in a specially-built pool, sets constructed with an uncanny attention to detail and innovative special effects. And, finally, so that Cameron could realize his wildest project, a record-breaking $ 200 million budget, double its originally submitted figure. Remember how naysayers had predicted a shipwreck as monumental as the one in 1912?
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With Titanic James Cameron said the final word in 20th-century moviemaking; Avatar opened a door onto the next century. And fifteen years after the release of Titanic into theaters, it was only natural that Cameron should attempt a 3D conversion. And, well beyond what often turned out to be failed transformations, Cameron has shown us that it is possible, with the right means, to make a high-quality, eminently-entertaining 3D conversion.
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It’s noteworthy that Cameron’s style of directing lends itself naturally to this kind of technology. All that was left to do, after a flawless remastering, was to convert to 3D and breathe new life into a classic movie. Perfectly matching Cameron’s directorial achievement, the 3D is well employed in this new update, making intimate scenes seem even closer to us and other sequences like the discovery of the engine room or the feeling of vertigo that one experiences over the railing look even more spectacular.
Not only is the 3D not fatigue-inducing (as one might expect from a three hour-long film) but it makes the experience all the more intense.
Translated from the French; Frédérik Porquier is special contributor to Screen Comment. He blogs about movies at MyScreens.fr. You can follow him at @FredMyScreens.
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