One of the numerous titles to be screened at this year’s Tribeca Festival is the new Morgan Spurlock documentary Mansome. Modern mensches the likes of Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, Zach Galifianakis and Spurlock discuss body dysmorphic disorder, shaving, terms like metrosexual and generally what it means to be a man nowadays.
Will Arnett and Jason Bateman, in Mansome
Expect fireworks and panache. And lots of laughter. We’ll be there to cover it for our readers next month.
[jwplayer config=”Default-Post-Player” mediaid=”9635″]Pedro Almodovar

Michelle Dockery

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The only way that body dysmorphic disorder & funny can go together is to ignore what the disorder factually entails. Most likely a dumbing down of the subject. There is absolutely nothing funny about it. Not that it matters to filmmakers. The disorder, as part of its definition, means inability to function. The disorder has zero to do with vanity. It is the opposite. Why even have as part of a supposedly funny movie this topic. The filmmaker probably thinks it is ” typical” & en vogue. Shaving, metrosexual & BDD? Retarded. But that’s follywood.
I can literally not not wait for this movie. Anyone who wishes to watch Morgan Spurlock films after “Super Size Me” should reconsider their life choices.