While the blogosphere is lighting up with talk of the new Prometheus trailer (which looks really cool, by the way) I’ve been trying to find new information about Spring Breakers, a Harmony Korine-helmed film currently in production.
It’s about a group of girlfriends who rob a restaurant in order to pay for a vacation at the beach. The choice of the actors defies expectations: Emma Roberts, Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens, all of which have acted in major-studio and Disney productions, can hardly be considered archetypal Korine actors. But then again, Lindsay Lohan was cast by Robert Rodriguez in Machete.
On set, Harmony Korine
Some people might argue that Korine, who’s never had a successful movie in terms of box office, is trying to attract a new demographic by hiring out of the Disney pool. Or maybe the whole thing is just an ironic ploy, like an exploding birthday cake: attract the Disney movie demographic with A-list actresses and then lay that thick underground movie sauce on them.
Adding to the Spring Breakers myth is the fact that James Franco is on the cast of Spring Breakers; he plays a drug-dealing rapper named “Alien” who comes to the girls’ rescue after they get thrown in jail. Any character named Alien who’s not part of a Ridley Scott production has got to be interesting.
Of note, Janusz Kaminsky, a regular on Steven Spielberg film sets, is the Spring Breakers director of photography. Veteran DPs are nothing new to Korine; he’s previously worked with Anthony Dod Mantle (of the Dogme school) on Julien Donkey Boy.
Spring Breakers started shooting mid-February.
SEE ALSO: our profile of Vanessa Hudgens
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