Roman Polanski Arrested

Last Updated: April 29, 2012By Tags:

Roman Polanski has been arrested in Europe. What news! It’s incredible that thirty years later that incident still haunts him and captivates popular imagination.

Polanski, 76, had lived in France for decades to avoid being arrested if he enters the U.S. He declined to collect his Academy Award for Best Director in person when he won it for “The Pianist” in 2003. He was en route to the Zurich Film Festival, which is holding a tribute to him, when he was arrested by Swiss authorities, the festival said. Polanski was nominated for best director Oscars for “Tess” and “Chinatown,” and for best writing for “Rosemary’s Baby,” which he also directed. “Roman Polanski, who is one of the greatest film directors of all time, would have been honored for his life’s work in Zurich today,” the film festival said in a statement.

What Polanski did with the young lass was unforgiveable, disgusting, even. But does it do anyone any good to bring this sordid affair back on the 10 o’clock news? Let’s hope the publicity, unwanted and undesired, will help sell Polanski’s new film ‘The Ghost’ with Ewan McGregor and Tom Wilkinson.