PS1, the labyrinthine museum located in Queens, New York hosts exhibitions throughout the year and is the venue for the Warm-Up Series, their famous outdoors DJ-driven parties. They are currently hosting CINEMA CAVERN (June 24 – September 24), an exhibit of small gauge films and videos being screened in their vault gallery, buried deep within the confines of the museum. The exhibition features Charles Atlas (not the world’s most perfectly developed man, but the guy who pioneered media-dance, in which original performance work is created directly for the camera. He was filmmaker-in-residence at the Merce Cunningham Dance Company), Ellen Cantor, Luther Price, who shoots on Super-8, Elisabeth Subrin (she’s had work shown at the Whitney Biennial, Guggenheim Museum and the Rotterdam International Film Festival, among many others); Peggy Ahwesh and French-American video artist Michel Auder. From the press release: “the artists highlighted here concern themselves with what Andrew Uroskie calls ‘unlearning disciplinary orthodoxies that have grown up to segregate the fields of film, video, performance and installation.'” (PS1 on the web)