At a time when filmmakers are getting lost in a fog of 3-D conversions and assorted digital shenanigans there’s a resistance forming: small DIYers, emerging poets of the film negative, those who make their voices heard through simple yet effective movies. Jan Ole Gerster is such a filmmaker. "Oh boy" recounts the absurd, touching and melancholy wanderings of a young German through a Berlin that would have made
Contrary to her ideological and racial brethren (Malcolm X, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, to name a few) Angela Davis has survived. She wasn't shot down like some of her peers who paid for their political committment with their own lives. No. Angela Davies is alive today and her story deserves to be told. And it's through a no-pretense documentary, without frills or gimmicks like in the glossy biopics that Hollywood is so good
Tom Cruise is indestructible, it seems. After escaping unscathed out of the Paramount fiasco, he now teams up with Universal to help create a sci-fi blockbuster that's ambitious and breathtaking. In any case, that's what was promised on paper. Because "Oblivion" did hold promise, yes--on a large scale. All the elements were there for serious, high-brow sci-fi entertainment: a namesake graphic novel adapted by the don dada of sci-fi geeks
Stories told in the movies are often unearthed from the bric-a-brac of our own lives, since life teems with narratives. For her first documentary, Sarah Polley lifted the veil on a family secret whose revealing caused her and her close ones much, much heartache. Polley ("Take this Waltz") is an Oscar-nominated writer, actress, and filmmaker who's made two feature films about intimate relationships and the challenges faced.
After vampires and wherewolves let us hail the return of the zombies (whether they appear in "The Walking Dead," "Warm Bodies," "28 days and weeks later," "Zombieland," or, very soon, "World War Z," zombies are pleasing to audiences--they're attention-grabbers and soon they'll probably control everything).
The Jonathan Levine-directed (PROFILE) "Warm
Pablo Trapero is a socially-committed filmmaker who delivers powerful movies. After "Leonera" (2008) and "Carancho" (2010) he delves into one of Argentina's more bothersome problems, its everspreading urban slums. In an Argentina that's been licking its economic wounds, the slum have become a supporting character in and of itself. In the vein of Ken Loach or Fernando Meirelles Pablo Trapero depicts the saddening
Since “Blue Valentine” Derek Cianfrance has paired up with Ryan Gosling again this time with the ambition of achieving "his" epic crime movie. Because who better to delve into this genre with than the hero of "Drive," currently enjoying leading-man status? The idea for “The place beyond the pines” was clever--the film, much less. Stilted by excessive determination Cianfrance delivers an imitative film that’s full of clichés and un-