
DOUGH, an unlikely friendship

Last Updated: February 28, 2016By Tags: , ,

Tensions between Jews and Muslims are increasing worldwide. Why not make them break bread together and see what happens? This seems to be the premise of DOUGH, a dramedy headed for the theaters at the end of April that has already been favorably received on the festival circuit. Crusty widower Nat Dayan (Jonathan Pryce, who appears in HBO’s “Game of Thrones”) is really set in his ways as the owner of a Kosher bakery shop in London’s East End. When hiring a helping hand becomes an unadoidable fact of life, Dayan reluctantly hires a Sudanese youth by the name Ayyash (Jerome Holder), whose side gig includes selling marijuana to help his immigrant mother make ends meet. When Ayyash accidentally drops his stash into the mixing dough, the challah starts flying off the shelves and an unlikely friendship forms between the old Jewish baker and his young Muslim apprentice. This is FINDING FORRESTER for the civilizational war zone that has become our 21st century.

DOUGH, which was directed by John Goldschmidt, will open at the Village East Cinema in New York and at the Laemmle Royal, Town Center 5 and Playhouse 7 in Los Angeles on April 29th. A national release will follow. Goldschmidt, a noted London-born TV director has lived in Vienna, Austria for most of his life and is the recipient of a number of European awards. DOUGH was filmed in London and Budapest.
