OPINION | A Samuel Jackson fairytale
Isn’t there something offputting about Samuel L. Jackson’s conscious effort to use strong language? Follow him on Twitter and you get a serious dose of invectives. But in his new video segment to get out the vote for Obama in November, he’s putting his direct manner to good use. In the video, Jackson stresses, with his signature blunt use of words, that voter apathy could get Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the White House, a catastrophic proposition. “Wake the fuck up” is Jackson’s rallying cry directed at disabused voters, his trademark Kangol beret tightly screwed on his dome as he takes part in this P.S.A. paid for by the Jewish Council for Education & Research, a liberal super PAC. That cry echoes the children’s book, written by Adam Mansbach, which Jackson narrated last year, ironically entitled “Go the fuck to sleep.”
In this new short film, which lasts a little over three minutes and is staged like a fairy tale, an indolent couple loafing on a sofa tells their daughter to go to bed after she attempts to motivate them into voting to reelect Obama on November 6th.
Big mistake.
Jackson springs out of nowhere to sermonize the assembly: “Sorry, my friends, but there’s no time to snore / an out-of-touch millionaire just declared war / on schools, the environment, unions, fair pay / we’re all on our own if Romney has his way.” Jackson then harangues in turn the little girl’s brother and sister–”listen to your sister, move your ass!”–and her grandparents, telling them that, if elected Romney and his running mate Ryan will gut Medicare.” “What do you want us to do,” the older woman asks,” “Say hell no, motherfuckers,” Jackson yells back.
Barack Obama, struggling to motivate his troops on the ground like he did in 2008, still enjoys broad support in Hollywood, a place that traditionally votes democrat.
The stakes this time are extremely high. After terrorism, the Republican Party is the biggest threat to our great country. Eight years of Republicans in the White House have plunged us into a recession and caused us to go to war on a lie, at a huge loss of life and billions of dollars at taxpayers’ expense. We are still paying for this war and will be paying for a long time to come. For those who need a shove to do the right thing, the Samuel Jackson ad may be it.
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