By ALI NADERZAD – July 18, 2010
Looting dreams is good business, apparently. Chris Nolan’s ‘Inception’ weekend B.O. returns are smashing all predictions to smithereens. Early estimates place coin at around 60M, which should round off at around 61.5 mil when all the final figures are tallied up. It will take a lot more to unseat the contender in the top opening weekend B.O. category (158.4M), however, which happens to be another Chris Nolan film, namely, “Dark Knight.”
As I scoured my news aggregators, I came upon a quote by Gene Simmons, who said on his Twitter page that ‘”Inception” was impossible to follow. I got lost many times & had no clue why things were happening. A big question mark. Though, a well-made question mark” (quote courtesy of ABC.COM). Why we already knew you weren’t the target audience, Gene, but thanks for being so candid about it.
Pedro Almodovar

Michelle Dockery