(BY SAÏDEH PAKRAVAN) Anyone who has seen Fight Club and American History X knows that you don’t want to mess with Edward Norton. In the Incredible Hulk, any number of people forget that lesson and make him very angry indeed. The result is not good. For over two long hours, bodies, helicopters, army tanks, chemistry labs and assorted debris go flying through the air with the appropriate deafening sounds. Monsters tackle each other, really mean-looking weapons burst into endless rat-a-tat-tats, a well-meaning general with the absurd logic of generals everywhere finally comes to his senses and realizes that maybe, just maybe, creating more efficient killing machines has its downside. The Incredible Hulk, predictable and loud as it is, comes to us heralded by at least one or two good reviews so we might want to sit back and enjoy. The movie does not pretend to be any more than the story of a comic strip hero come to animated life. Sure, the pixel guys have gone amok and the large figures of the hero and the villain strain the imagination. Dr. Bruce Banner’s alter ego the Hulk and Blonsky (Tim Roth)’s Abomination are truly enormous. So, distractingly, are Liv Tyler‘s collagened lips. The movie is full of references: the two monsters running toward each other to finally collide in an epic fight including lots of grunting for an audience of awe-struck New Yorkers (who seem to spend an awful amount of time watching monsters and natural disasters wreak havoc on their streets) are reenacting a High Noon-style confrontation for the 21st century, the parkour race in the favelas of Rio is reminiscent of the chase at the beginning of the recent James Bond movie with Daniel Craig, hell, the Abomination’s voice is that of Lou Ferrigno (for those who don’t remember the name, Ferrigno was the original unjolly green giant, long long before the present supersized ones in the Hulk movies that Hollywood keeps churning out). Still reason enough to see this movie, Edward Norton, of course, he of the golden game, he who can convey so much while doing so little. The Incredible Hulk is entirely forgettable but Norton, as always, makes you wonder whether acting can get any better (THE INCREDIBLE HULK is out in theatres now)
Pedro Almodovar

Michelle Dockery