• Those hoping “The Campaign” would be an economic-political satire will probably be a little disappointed, but for those ready to laugh at some Dog-Gate 2012-like absurdity with two comedic heavyweights behind the wheel, this Will Ferrell-Zach Galifianakis comedy hits the mark. Ferrell is Cam Brady, on his way to another term as congressman for Hammond, NC, while Galifianakis is Marty Huggins, the effeminate, disappoint-

  • Who is Zach Galifianakis? Does he work at that Greek restaurant out in Long Island City which I used to patronize until I had bad swordfish? Galifianakis: that's Greek, isn't it? Thus my inferring that he might work in one of those multi-purpose restaurants in the surroundings of Manhattan.

    No, Zach Galifianakis is a certified funny man who most recently shot up to stardom thanks to the Superbad movies. He played the sheltered, live-in son who desperately wants to make friends but plays hard-to-get at the same time. In other words, a very tortured individual and one of the rare--if not the only one--thespians alive nowadays who sports a very respectable beard (he probably belongs to one of those beard societies).

  • I watched “The Hangover II” (a.k.a H2) at the multiplex [...]

  • And so once again we join Michael Cera in progress [...]

  • Director Todd Phillips loves frat boy bonhomie. His cult hit "Old School" has taken up its spot in the "Animal House" pantheon. It would be wonderful to say that "The Hangover" captures that feeling of male bonding and ritualism, but it really doesn’t. From a friendship perspective, these guys all take their own separate cabs. If the search for a missing pal seems like an annoying distraction from a comedy routine for the men involved, why should it matter to the audience?