• Los Angeles, Calif. – The formerly known as The Orchard Film Group has officially launched today as 1091, a new global commercial distribution platform company for independent film and television content creators. The new company will invest in technology, new delivery options and business intelligence that will offer superior levels of transparency for its clients. The announcement was made today by Daniel Stein and Joe

  • Probably the most famous first lady in the history of the United States, people remember Jacqueline Kennedy for riding next to her dying husband in the most perfect pink dress anyone had ever seen. This image permanently stuck in our head lights Pablo Larrain’s “Jackie” is fueled by this incoherent image pink and bloody – the glamour and the grief. Jackie isn’t the story of a murder. It’s the story of a funeral. Still overwhelmed by

  • Augusto Pinochet, the benevolent-looking Chilean general who overthrew Allende in 1973—putting an end to a long spell of democracy--and oversaw seventeen years of terror, responsible for thousands dead and tens of thousands arrested, tortured and “disappeared” died in his bed (though under house arrest) in 2006. Wrangling over extradition procedures while he was holed up in London before being returned to Santiago didn’t give

  • In 1988 Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet is forced to call [...]