• Thirty years after MAD MAX : BEYOND THE THUNDERDOM director George Miller brings MAD MAX : FURY ROAD. This new chapter in the post-acocalyptic saga includes an A-team cast made up of Tom Hardy (THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, BRONSON), Charlize Theron (MONSTER, PROMETHEUS), Zoe Kravitz (X-MEN FIRST CLASS, GOOD KILL) and Nicholas Hoult (YOUNG ONES, X-MEN : DAYS OF FUTUR

  • Ever since landing the lead role as Tony Stonem in [...]

  • After vampires and wherewolves let us hail the return of the zombies (whether they appear in "The Walking Dead," "Warm Bodies," "28 days and weeks later," "Zombieland," or, very soon, "World War Z," zombies are pleasing to audiences--they're attention-grabbers and soon they'll probably control everything).

    The Jonathan Levine-directed (PROFILE) "Warm