• The name Taylor Sheridan will have a familiar ring to fans of “Sons of Anarchy” [FX] who will remember him for his role as police officer David Hale. There was a lot to the Hale character, an indication of Sheridan’s level as an actor and his ability as keen observer of people, how they function. Sheridan, who directed "Wind River," got his break as screenwriter when he was given writing duties for “Sicario,” directed by Denis Villeneuve.

  • After too many Metaphysics 101 (Malik’s “Tree of Life” and Gaspard Noe’s “Love” come to mind) and anguished what’s-the-meaning-of life questions awkwardly addressed, Denis Villeneuve’s “Arrival” takes us into adult territory. The Canadian filmmaker has already accustomed us to his diverse and masterful corpus of works, so his venture into Twelve spaceships, for lack of a better word, land in various parts of our planet where they

  • Watching a Bourne movie not starring Jason Bourne is like watching the Harlem Globetrotters starring the Washington Generals. Over the past months, writer of the last three, and now director of this one, Tony Gilroy and Matt Damon have feuded over the future of this franchise. Gilroy has stated that this is a companion piece which ties into the Bourne storyline, but other than telling us that there’s more than one C.I.A. program (a fact we

  • I am a sucker for spy movies. Whether it is the Bourne series, the revitalized Bond series or the Mission: Impossible series, and even though I have a love/hate relationship with the latter. The first one was really good with a lot of double-crossing and excellent action, but the second one was a train-wreck, from the script to John Woo’s over-the-top directing. And J.J. Abrams’s third film got the train back on the tracks

  • I’m sorry not to like The Town—Ben Affleck is such [...]