• At Screen Comment we love us a good, brainy actor every once in a while—actor/filmmakers? Even better. In the previous two decades there was Spacey, then there was Malkovich, and now it’s the new guard with James Franco. Franco has that wonderful and compound quality: self-effacing while at the same time exuding a certain authority over American filmic output. The same guy who appeared in “Pineapple Express” as a stoner who’d make the guys from “Wayne’s World” jealous is also the guy who directs the “The Clerk’s Tale.” We guess it’s unnecessary to mention ...

  • By ALI NADERZAD – December 2, 2010 Upon hearing the [...]

  • In movies nothing good ever happens on a mountain unless [...]

  • James Franco’s short film “The Clerk’s Tale” will close Critics’ Week at Cannes. Screen Comment’s Ali Naderzad did a close reading with Franco on the Spencer Reece poem it is based on.

    Ali Naderzad - “The Clerk’s Tale” has a hint of sweet hopelessness. It reminds me of Thoreau’s famous sentence “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”I found the following sentence especially striking:

    He does this because his acceptance is finally complete—and complete acceptance is always bittersweet. And then, there’s the extraordinary. We are changed when the transactions are done— older, dirtier, dwarfed."

  • Judd Apatow, the king of the American raunch-com, and David [...]