• “Jack Reacher," based on the Lee Child novel “One Shot," begins chillingly enough with the stigma of the recent tragedy in Connecticut. A sniper looks through his scope and guns down five people in cold blood. But while “Reacher” is far from perfection it doesn’t deserve this kind of relevance, either. The shooting inquiry brings Reacher (Tom Cruise) to Pittsburgh. He’s an investigative officer acquainted with the suspect believed to be

  • There's a new movie on the horizon from Paramount Studios. It's an adaptation of a newsworthy novel by an author named Lee Child, the story echoing recent and tragic events. Playing the character of Jack Reacher, former U.S. Army investigator, actor Tom Cruise gets caught up in a dark story surrounding an army sniper gone rogue: he's shot and killed five people. The body of evidence piling up against the man is