Sofia Coppola’s latest is about as interesting as the vapid microcosm in which it takes place: the small world of a bunch of half-wit Louboutin- and Vuitton-obsessed rich kids in L.A. They come up with the brilliant idea of finding out on the internet when this or that celebrity is out of town so they can sneak in the empty house and get their hands on the objects of their dreams. It’s mansion after mansion, gaudy and kitsch and
Whatever happened to misbegotten youth? Don’t you long for the old days, when young misfits were French, ran everywhere and stole things? What happened to the old days, when a good American movie character could look forward to a life of crime on screen? Nowadays they take medication. And moan about not being popular. And make mix tapes and try to get people to feel sorry for them. Has American youth taken a turn for the
The Harry Potter stories have felt so crunched together in [...]